Marriage Misconceptions The Beginning

Hey, I'm Megan Walker and that handsome guy I am staring at is my husband, Dorian. You're either thinking one of two things 1. We get it, you're in love, move on OR 2. Aww, the Walkers are the cutest couple ever and #couplegoals or #marriagegoals. Yes, those were both super extreme, but hey you're probably somewhere in that spectrum. If I had to take a guess, you're here because you somewhat like me or are interested in the title! Anyways, welcome! I love new and old readers alike!

If you've read my posts before, you know that quite often my mind thinks things should be one way, where reality has a completely different idea of how things should  be. For instance, marriage, my mind is stuck in the movies and fairy tales. But the funny thing about these are we see one side of the story, the good side. Let's take Snow White for instance, she had to cook and clean for 7 men. And did we ever see her complain? No! Let's talk about unrealistic! OH MY GOSH, can you imagine that, 7 men?! I don't mind cleaning, but doing the dishes is the absolute worst thing on the planet! You can't tell me she never complained! Marriage is like that, no one talks about the awkward, bad, or what to really expect when you get married. Instead you get only the picture perfect side, which is totally understandable (no one wants to air their dirty laundry), but really it's not all a piece of cake, but I'm here to tell you that it is so worth it!

Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and my marriage. Here's some funny/awkward misconceptions we have learned about marriage. If you have any funny lessons you've learned from being married comment below!

1.  When you get married/move in with someone sleeping in the same bed is the best thing ever  and totally easy. . .
Umm, let's go with a big FALSE on this one! It is so hard sleeping in the same bed as someone when you've had a queen size bed for practically all of your life! So, so difficult! Embarrassing story about me, I'm a sprawler and a kicker. For the first couple of weeks we were married I'd totally kick my husband and give him like 1/4 of the bed! Eventually you get over that, then it comes down to you both facing opposite directions on the other side of the bed. I'm just going to burst your bubble now and say most of the time you don't cuddle all night long. Maybe you'll start off with cuddling, then by the time morning rolls around you are both are on completely different sides of the bed, facing the opposite direction haha.

2. You don't become a 5 Star Chef overnight . . .

So, I like to cook and I try really hard to make meals every single night for my husband, which is normal, most people do that! But sometimes you have to call your dad because you've never cooked a steak in your life and your husband is in the shower. I got the directions, cool! I'm searing it in the pan, whatever, putting the seasonings on and it took like a good 30 minutes to cook. I put the lid on to steam it, because that cooks things so much faster. I keep using my meat thermometer to check the temperature. Then my husband comes out of the shower, lifts the lid up, and it's a freaking roast! It wasn't even steak! So somehow I managed to cook a roast in a pan on the stove, instead of in the crock pot like a regular person.

Then the other day I was making nachos and browning the beef. I added a little dash of this and little dash of that, then I opened the dried cilantro (which, hello, I didn't even know was a thing) and added a little WAY too much! Turns out dried cilanto is very, very salty! Dorian then came to the rescue and we literally drained the meat into a strainer and rinsed it!

Oh and today I literally burnt butter and 2 grilled cheese, so that's how my cooking is going today.

I'd like to add that I cooked a pretty mean steak last night, and Dorian ate the whole thing. So, sometimes I'm kind of killing it at the being domestic and cooking thing. But another positive note, I am on some sort of a baking kick, and I don't want to eat all the things I make because this girl has goals! So, I send them with Dorian to give to his work friends, and they think I'm a good baker, so that pretty much makes up for it!

3. You're going to agree on EVERYTHING. . .

I am so ready to give this one a big, fat, FALSE! Opposites attract for a reason, don't freak out if you don't see eye to eye on everything. Sometimes Dorian puts his dirty laundry on the floor, when the laundry basket is right next to him. And I don't do that hahaha! Sometimes I don't always fold the laundry and it stays in the basket for a while. Balance in all things.

You've just gotta learn to understand that you both are different. You'll both do things that get on each others nerves, it's a part of life. You've just gotta learn to go with it and to still love one another. Marriage is a lot different then dating, you are constantly together, so forget the differences and remember why you fell in love the first place.

There you have my top 3 marriage misconceptions! Silly, but so, so true! I should know, I wrote them!

Disclaimer, marriage is a learning experience EVERY SINGLE DAY! I learn new things, I learn silly quirks that I have, I definitely learn silly quirks that Dorian has, and honestly I love him and our marriage more and more everyday!

Some of the best advice I received from the officiant at our wedding (aka my uncle) says, "Remember you two are on the same team, work together, work through things, and at the end of the day love one another. It's you two against the world." And it is so true, being in a marriage is like being on the same team, supporting one another, encouraging each other to be your best selves, and trying your best to achieve the same goal of a happy marriage.


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