NOT Perfect

Hey all you pretty people! Holy crap, it's been a long hot minute since I've written anything. Heck, I don't even know if that's correct grammar, but at this point I don't even care! I've written countless blog posts, but I just haven't felt it. Like they didn't speak to my soul. So, here I am, trying yet another time. But this time it's something that I am super passionate about! And honestly some people will love it and other's will probably think I'm an awful person, but guess what?? I don't even care, think what you want of me. I like myself and I have different views and that's okay! We can have differing of opinions and I will still like ya'll. You can't get rid of me that easily!

Growing up in the church, I grew up blinded in a way. Now this is no way dissing the church. I am a happy member of the church and I love the teachings of the gospel, I think that sometimes we misunderstand what the Lord is really teaching us. I use the term "blinded" because my eyes were set in the "Mormon" way if you will. I thought I had to marry a returned missionary, get married in the temple, never sin, not swear, and never settle for anything less in life. But guess what? That's not the case. God doesn't deem someone as "not good enough" because they don't attend church. He doesn't think less of you if you don't marry in the temple. God just wants YOU. He wants you the way you are. He wants you to try and be better, and for each of us that is different. We are all different and distinct individuals and are at different points in our lives.

A few months ago I had the hardest time wrapping my mind around my life, and what other people would think of me if. I was so worried that if I didn't get married the temple what people would think of me. We all have our reasons, and most of the time it isn't the cliche, of "they can't get married in the temple because they had sex." or "she must be pregnant, because they aren't having a temple wedding." Get rid of the cliches people!! Some people just aren't ready to make that huge commitment with God yet. And sometimes families can't attend the temple, and that's exactly what a marriage is about, joining two families. It takes a lot of work and prayer and preparation, and instead of being rushed some of us want to take our time. We want to continue to build our relationship with Heavenly Father first and then make that step later, and that's perfectly okay! It's okay not to date/marry a returned missionary and it's okay if you do marry/date one. There are going to be some people that suck in general, it has nothing to do with going on a mission or not. Some people just suck and aren't right for you. That's where you're heart and the spirit comes in. You can't tell me that all good people are in the church and have done everything perfect in their lives. Good people come from all walks of life and from many religions. With love you've gotta be willing to open your heart, use the spirit when choosing a companion, the Lord will help you! If he expected us all to only be with the "perfect" people of the church, none of us would have a chance.

I've learned a lot more about God, when I actually went out and lived life. Where I have made mistakes and repented of them, I've learned the most. And I'm happy to say that my view of Heavenly Father has definitely changed where my family has gone through some life changing instances, where I have screwed up, and where I have seen friends go through some hard things. God is loving in every situation, he understands that life is hard and He loves us all. Don't be afraid of reaching out to God because you feel you aren't meeting the standards of the members. It is HIS church, there is going to be so many interpretations and variations to His words, even in His own church. So I urge you to follow your heart, gain that relationship with God and judge yourself and your decisions based on your heart and relationship with God. Don't listen to what others say. You follow your heart and gain a relationship with Heavenly Father, and I believe that you won't be led astray. Keep on keeping on people! And hey if you disagree I completely respect you. That's the awesome thing about life, we each can have our own opinions!

Love ya'll, and thanks for listening to me ramble on!


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