Sunshine(y) People

Sunshine, we see it everyday, it's a common occurrence. What if one day we woke up and there was no sunlight? I'm pretty sure it would be utter chaos, and we would miss it! Realization would set it that it brought warmth, light, and good vibes. With everything, I think, we don't realize the magnitude something has in our lives until it is gone, and when it is gone we realize how grateful we were to have it.

Think of the happiest most selfless person in your life. One who would jump at any chance to help someone in need. One who wants to hear your problems and to offer solutions. One who generally cares about your well-being. I like to refer to these people as "Sunshiney." Hence the title Sunshiney People.

So what exactly does the sunshine have to do with people? Well, I am here to tell you. Besides survival the sun does many things that relates to each one of us, and how we can bring more sunshine into our lives.


Obviously the sun makes us warm, that's common knowledge. So, what the heck does warmth have to do with us? Well, I'm not talking about our physical temperature, because that would just be weird. Instead, I am talking about kindness, in a way that's a type of warmth. I would say warmth in this instance is defined as caring. Caring individuals are more trusted and pleasant to be around.


The sun is the brightest star in the solar system. I think Rhianna should've changed the lyrics to "Shine bright like the sun." But, hey, maybe it wasn't quite as catchy! Shine bright like the sun. Bring brightness into the lives of others by giving a simple smile, and saying kind words. Kind words and a smile can go a long ways, and people always remember when you do something nice. 


The sun lights the Earth, that's pretty dang important. If we didn't have the sun we would be living in darkness, and that would be so depressing! So how can we be a light? I personally think we can lend a listening ear and help others out. Be the light for somebody. If you have a friend, loved one, or even associate who is having a hard time be there for them. A little bit of kindness goes a long ways! We weren't placed on this Earth solely to exist and not help others. Instead we are here to help each other out, so just do it!

I challenge you to be a "Sunshiney Person" relate to others, show kindness, and be the brightness and light that people need. People need you, you are important! Go out and be the best version of yourself, (which will be pretty hard because you are so dang awesome), but I know you can do it! Remember we are all a work in progress, and we'll get through this life together!

P.S. Since you read clear to the bottom here is a FREE sunshine printable! It's pretty cute, if I may say so myself! Also, if anyone wants me to create some stellar designs for them comment and I'll get you my information, and we can work something out!
Just right click, and click save as or download! Enjoy!



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